Welcome tranquility, balance and calm into your life through Meditation using a Meditation Pyramid - made to the laws of the Sacred Geometry or 'Golden Mean' known as 'Phi'.
Since 2007 we have been creating Meditation Pyramids and Connectors based on the concept of PHI.​
We can make the whole Pyramid
or you supply the pipe and just purchase the connectors.
About Us
We build Pyramids based on the sacred geometry of Phi.
All Giza , Nubian and Russian Pyramids
have the same sacred geometry.
How that sacred geometry is applied to create these
3 pyramids is explained in this video.
Contact Us
If you cant find exactly what your after or aren't sure. Or if you
have a question then get in touch with Kylie or Mark here.
We are located in Wishart Brisbane QLD Australia.
You are always welcome to drop by and say hello.
Alternatively you can call Kylie on 0417 075 551 or email Mark at urbanshamanpyramids@gmail.com