And we're off!
Greetings! Well this has certainly been a journey with my first venture into the world of blogging. I have spent much time enjoying reading other peoples blogs with some very interesting info on all sorts of things. This will be our own blog - and when I say 'own' I mean Urban Shaman Meditation Pyramids blog - which of course if you have had a little sniff around our website you will know that I am referring to myself (Kylie) and my partner in awakening Mark. Together we are on an AMAZING journey with the Meditation Pyramids and this year we are planning lots of new things to come! We are VERY excited!
So this is a welcome - from my heart to yours - to the world of meditation and extra special meditation within a Mediation Pyramid.
I hope your evening is wonderful!
With love, light and blessings .... Kylie